$c1 = oci_connect("hr", "welcome", 'localhost/XE');
$c2 = oci_connect("hr", "welcome", 'localhost/XE');
// Both $c1 and $c2 show the same PHP resource id meaning they use the
// same underlying database connection
echo "c1 is $c1<br>\n";
echo "c2 is $c2<br>\n";
function create_table($conn)
$stmt = oci_parse($conn, "create table hallo (test varchar2(64))");
echo "Created table<br>\n";
function drop_table($conn)
$stmt = oci_parse($conn, "drop table hallo");
echo "Dropped table<br>\n";
function insert_data($connname, $conn)
$stmt = oci_parse($conn, "insert into hallo
values(to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS'))");
oci_execute($stmt, OCI_DEFAULT);
echo "$connname inserted row without committing<br>\n";
function rollback($connname, $conn)
echo "$connname rollback<br>\n";
function select_data($connname, $conn)
$stmt = oci_parse($conn, "select * from hallo");
oci_execute($stmt, OCI_DEFAULT);
echo "$connname ----selecting<br>\n";
while (oci_fetch($stmt)) {
echo " " . oci_result($stmt, "TEST") . "<br>\n";
echo "$connname ----done<br>\n";
insert_data('c1', $c1); // Insert a row using c1
sleep(2); // sleep to show a different timestamp for the 2nd row
insert_data('c2', $c2); // Insert a row using c2
select_data('c1', $c1); // Results of both inserts are returned
select_data('c2', $c2); // Results of both inserts are returned
rollback('c1', $c1); // Rollback using c1
select_data('c1', $c1); // Both inserts have been rolled back
select_data('c2', $c2);
// Closing one of the connections makes the PHP variable unusable, but
// the other could be used
echo "c1 is $c1<br>\n";
echo "c2 is $c2<br>\n";
// Output is:
// c1 is Resource id #5
// c2 is Resource id #5
// Created table
// c1 inserted row without committing
// c2 inserted row without committing
// c1 ----selecting
// 09-DEC-09 12:14:43
// 09-DEC-09 12:14:45
// c1 ----done
// c2 ----selecting
// 09-DEC-09 12:14:43
// 09-DEC-09 12:14:45
// c2 ----done
// c1 rollback
// c1 ----selecting
// c1 ----done
// c2 ----selecting
// c2 ----done
// Dropped table
// c1 is
// c2 is Resource id #5