PHP Velho Oeste 2025


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

easter_date得到指定年份的复活节当地午夜时的 Unix 时间戳


easter_date(?int $year = null, int $mode = CAL_EASTER_DEFAULT): int

返回指定年份的复活节午夜时的 Unix 时间戳。

复活节的日期是由尼西亚议会在公元 325 年确定的为每年春分月圆后的第一个星期日。春分一般是在 3 月 21 日,这就简化为只要计算满月的日期和紧挨的星期日的日期。这里所用的算法是在 532 年由 Dionysius Exiguus 引入。在 1753 年以前用儒略历计算,一个简单的 19 年周期用于追踪月相。在 1753 年之后公历(由 Clavius 和 Lilius 设计,1582 年 10 月由教皇 Gregory 十三世引入,并于 1752 年 9 月进入英国及其当时的殖民地)添加了两个校正因子以使周期更准确。



对于 32 位系统,年份必须是 1970 至 2037 之间的数字,对于 64 位系统,年份必须是 1970 到 2,000,000,000 之间的数字。如果省略或者为 null,则根据本地时间默认为当前年份。


当设置为 CAL_EASTER_ALWAYS_JULIAN 时,允许基于儒略历计算复活节时间。参见 calendar 常量


复活节日期的 Unix 时间戳。


如果年份早于 1970,或者晚于 32 位系统的 2037 以及 64 位系统上的 2,000,000,000 时会抛出 ValueError


版本 说明
8.3.0 在 64 位系统上,year 参数现在接受范围在 1970 到 2,000,000,000 的值。
8.0.0 year 现在可为空(nullable)。
8.0.0 year 超出允许的范围现在抛出 ValueError。之前函数会返回 false 会触发 E_WARNING


示例 #1 easter_date() 示例


echo date("M-d-Y", easter_date(1999)); // Apr-04-1999
echo date("M-d-Y", easter_date(2000)); // Apr-23-2000
echo date("M-d-Y", easter_date(2001)); // Apr-15-2001


示例 #2 使用带 DateTimeeaster_date()


= easter_date(2023);

$datetime = new \DateTime();

$datetime->format('M-d-Y'); // Apr-09-2023




easter_date() 依赖于系统的 C 库 time 函数,而不是使用 PHP 内置的 date 和 time 函数。因此 easter_date() 使用 TZ 环境变量来确定应该运行的时区,而不是使用 PHP 默认时区 ,此函数与 PHP 其他 date 函数一起使用时会出现意外行为。

有一种解决方案,可以使用带 DateTimeDateIntervaleaster_days() 来计算 PHP 时区中的复活节开始时间,如下所示:

function get_easter_datetime($year) {
$base = new DateTime("$year-03-21");
$days = easter_days($year);

$base->add(new DateInterval("P{$days}D"));

foreach (
range(2012, 2015) as $year) {
printf("Easter in %d is on %s\n",
get_easter_datetime($year)->format('F j'));


Easter in 2012 is on April 8
Easter in 2013 is on March 31
Easter in 2014 is on April 20
Easter in 2015 is on April 5


  • easter_days() - 得到指定年份的 3 月 21 日到复活节之间的天数 用于计算 1970 年之前或 2037 年之后的复活节。


用户贡献的备注 6 notes

16 years ago
To compute the correct Easter date for Eastern Orthodox Churches I made a function based on the Meeus Julian algorithm:

function orthodox_eastern($year) {
$a = $year % 4;
$b = $year % 7;
$c = $year % 19;
$d = (19 * $c + 15) % 30;
$e = (2 * $a + 4 * $b - $d + 34) % 7;
$month = floor(($d + $e + 114) / 31);
$day = (($d + $e + 114) % 31) + 1;

$de = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day + 13, $year);

Alexander Bliznyuk
7 years ago
Thank you, @Maxie, for algorythm for computing Orthodox Easter date.
It can be improved though. You added 13 days in order to map Julian calendar to Gregorian. But 13 days is not a constant. It's an accumulated error fixed in Gregorian and should be calculated with this formula: (int)($year / 100) - (int)($year / 400) - 2
py dot lebecq at gmail dot com
14 years ago
I recently had to write a function that allows me to know if today is a holiday.

And in France, we have some holidays which depends on the easter date. Maybe this will be helpful to someone.

Just modify in the $holidays array the actual holidays dates of your country.

* This function returns an array of timestamp corresponding to french holidays
protected static function getHolidays($year = null)
if (
$year === null)
$year = intval(date('Y'));

$easterDate = easter_date($year);
$easterDay = date('j', $easterDate);
$easterMonth = date('n', $easterDate);
$easterYear = date('Y', $easterDate);

$holidays = array(
// These days have a fixed date
mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year), // 1er janvier
mktime(0, 0, 0, 5, 1, $year), // Fête du travail
mktime(0, 0, 0, 5, 8, $year), // Victoire des alliés
mktime(0, 0, 0, 7, 14, $year), // Fête nationale
mktime(0, 0, 0, 8, 15, $year), // Assomption
mktime(0, 0, 0, 11, 1, $year), // Toussaint
mktime(0, 0, 0, 11, 11, $year), // Armistice
mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 25, $year), // Noel

// These days have a date depending on easter
mktime(0, 0, 0, $easterMonth, $easterDay + 2, $easterYear),
mktime(0, 0, 0, $easterMonth, $easterDay + 40, $easterYear),
mktime(0, 0, 0, $easterMonth, $easterDay + 50, $easterYear),


Guillaume Dufrene
11 years ago
I found a problem with holidays timestamp computation and daylight saving time.
An article about it at (in french only, sorry).

In summary, this year (2013) easter begins before adding an hour for daylight saving time (occured sunday at 3:00). It means that if you do $easter + X, where x is a number of seconds equivalent to one day, 39 days or 50 days, the result is not equals to a midnight timestamp...

Here a function to check if a midnight timestamp is equals to an holiday :

function isHoliday( $ts ) {
// Licence : Creative Commons (BY)
// By Webpulser -
$fixed_holidays = array( ’01-01′, ’01-05′, ’08-05′, ’14-07′, ’15-08′, ’11-11′, ’25-12′ );
$format = ‘d-m’;

$dm = date($format, $ts);
if ( in_array($dm, $fixed_holidays) ) return true;

$easter = easter_date( date(‘Y’, $ts) );
if ( date($format, $easter + 86400) == $dm ) return true;
if ( date($format, $easter + 3369600) == $dm ) return true;
if ( date($format, $easter + 4320000) == $dm ) return true;

return false;

feel free to use / modify.
20 years ago
The algorithm from Bigtree is correct if you add some (int) cast
function easter_date ($Year) {

G is the Golden Number-1
H is 23-Epact (modulo 30)
I is the number of days from 21 March to the Paschal full moon
J is the weekday for the Paschal full moon (0=Sunday,
1=Monday, etc.)
L is the number of days from 21 March to the Sunday on or before
the Paschal full moon (a number between -6 and 28)

$G = $Year % 19;
$C = (int)($Year / 100);
$H = (int)($C - (int)($C / 4) - (int)((8*$C+13) / 25) + 19*$G + 15) % 30;
$I = (int)$H - (int)($H / 28)*(1 - (int)($H / 28)*(int)(29 / ($H + 1))*((int)(21 - $G) / 11));
$J = ($Year + (int)($Year/4) + $I + 2 - $C + (int)($C/4)) % 7;
$L = $I - $J;
$m = 3 + (int)(($L + 40) / 44);
$d = $L + 28 - 31 * ((int)($m / 4));
$y = $Year;
$E = mktime(0,0,0, $m, $d, $y);


adwil at live dot com
10 years ago
Hey, recently I needed a function to get realization dates in online shop, so here it is (ready to go for polish users, please adjust your dates for any other country):

function getWorkday($date1,$workDays) {
$workDays = (int)$workDays;
if (
$workDays <= 0)

$date1=strtotime('-1 day',strtotime($date1));

$lastYear = null;
$hol=array('01-01','01-06','05-01','05-03','08-15','11-01','11-11','12-25','12-26'); //array of month-date of static holidays (these are from Poland)
$i = 0;
while (
$i<=$workDays) {
$year = date('Y', $date1);
if (
$year !== $lastYear){
$lastYear = $year;
$easter = date('m-d', easter_date($year));
$date = strtotime($year . '-' . $easter); // easter
$easterSec = date('m-d', strtotime('+1 day', $date)); // easter monday
$greens = date('m-d', strtotime('+49 days', $date)); // zielone swiatki
$cc = date('m-d', strtotime('+60 days', $date)); // boze cialo
$hol[] = $easter;
$hol[] = $easterSec;
$hol[] = $greens;
$hol[] = $cc;
if (!(
$weekDay==0 || $weekDay==6 || in_array(date('m-d',$date1),$hol)))

$date1=strtotime('+1 day',$date1);
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