Приклад #1 Xhprof example with the optional GUI
This example starts and stops the profiler, then uses the bundled GUI interface to save and parse the results. In other words, the code from the extension itself ends at the call to xhprof_disable().
for ($i = 0; $i <= 1000; $i++) {
$a = $i * $i;
$xhprof_data = xhprof_disable();
$XHPROF_ROOT = "/tools/xhprof/";
include_once $XHPROF_ROOT . "/xhprof_lib/utils/xhprof_lib.php";
include_once $XHPROF_ROOT . "/xhprof_lib/utils/xhprof_runs.php";
$xhprof_runs = new XHProfRuns_Default();
$run_id = $xhprof_runs->save_run($xhprof_data, "xhprof_testing");
echo "http://localhost/xhprof/xhprof_html/index.php?run={$run_id}&source=xhprof_testing\n";
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