That example needs:
$soapClient = new SoapClient($url, array('trace'=>1));
to turn ON tracing in the first place.
(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
SoapClient::__getLastResponse — Returns last SOAP response
Returns the XML received in the last SOAP response.
This method works only if the SoapClient object was created with the
option set totrue
У цієї функції немає параметрів.
The last SOAP response, as an XML string.
Приклад #1 SoapClient::__getLastResponse() example
$client = SoapClient("some.wsdl", array('trace' => 1));
$result = $client->SomeFunction();
echo "Response:\n" . $client->__getLastResponse() . "\n";
That example needs:
$soapClient = new SoapClient($url, array('trace'=>1));
to turn ON tracing in the first place.
You almost for sure will need to wrap a try/catch block around your SOAP call in order to use these to debug something that's not working.
Otherwise, PHP throws a fatal error before you can execute this function.
For example:
$soapClient = new SoapClient($url);
echo htmlentities($soapClient->__getFunctions());
//Assume that has output 'someFunction' (among others)
try {
$results = $soapClient->someFunction(...);
catch (SoapFault $soapFault) {
echo "Request :<br>", htmlentities($soapClient->__getLastRequest()), "<br>";
echo "Response :<br>", htmlentities($soapClient->__getLastResponse()), "<br>";
Without try/catch, your just get the Fatal Error and PHP commits suicide before you can call __getLastRequest/__getLastResponse
Just to make it a bit more readable
echo "REQUEST:\n" . htmlentities(str_ireplace('><', ">\n<", $client->__getLastRequest())) . "\n";
echo "RESPONSE:\n" . htmlentities(str_ireplace('><', ">\n<", $client->__getLastResponse())) . "\n";
PS: If you are using \n then you need to enclose above statements in <pre>. You can also use <br />, but it gets a bit messy.