This is the function I use to unzip a file.
It includes the following options:
* Unzip in any directory you like
* Unzip in the directory of the zip file
* Unzip in a directory with the zipfile's name in the directory of the zip file. (i.e.: C:\ will be unzipped in C:\test\)
* Overwrite existing files or not
* It creates non existing directories with the function Create_dirs($path)
You should use absolute paths with slashes (/) instead of backslashes (\).
I tested it with PHP 5.2.0 with php_zip.dll extension loaded
* Unzip the source_file in the destination dir
* @param string The path to the ZIP-file.
* @param string The path where the zipfile should be unpacked, if false the directory of the zip-file is used
* @param boolean Indicates if the files will be unpacked in a directory with the name of the zip-file (true) or not (false) (only if the destination directory is set to false!)
* @param boolean Overwrite existing files (true) or not (false)
* @return boolean Succesful or not
function unzip($src_file, $dest_dir=false, $create_zip_name_dir=true, $overwrite=true)
if ($zip = zip_open($src_file))
if ($zip)
$splitter = ($create_zip_name_dir === true) ? "." : "/";
if ($dest_dir === false) $dest_dir = substr($src_file, 0, strrpos($src_file, $splitter))."/";
// Create the directories to the destination dir if they don't already exist
// For every file in the zip-packet
while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip))
// Now we're going to create the directories in the destination directories
// If the file is not in the root dir
$pos_last_slash = strrpos(zip_entry_name($zip_entry), "/");
if ($pos_last_slash !== false)
// Create the directory where the zip-entry should be saved (with a "/" at the end)
create_dirs($dest_dir.substr(zip_entry_name($zip_entry), 0, $pos_last_slash+1));
// Open the entry
if (zip_entry_open($zip,$zip_entry,"r"))
// The name of the file to save on the disk
$file_name = $dest_dir.zip_entry_name($zip_entry);
// Check if the files should be overwritten or not
if ($overwrite === true || $overwrite === false && !is_file($file_name))
// Get the content of the zip entry
$fstream = zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry));
file_put_contents($file_name, $fstream );
// Set the rights
chmod($file_name, 0777);
echo "save: ".$file_name."<br />";
// Close the entry
// Close the zip-file
return false;
return true;
* This function creates recursive directories if it doesn't already exist
* @param String The path that should be created
* @return void
function create_dirs($path)
if (!is_dir($path))
$directory_path = "";
$directories = explode("/",$path);
foreach($directories as $directory)
$directory_path .= $directory."/";
if (!is_dir($directory_path))
chmod($directory_path, 0777);
// Extract C:/zipfiletest/ to C:/zipfiletest/zip-file/ and overwrites existing files
unzip("C:/zipfiletest/", false, true, true);
// Extract C:/zipfiletest/ to C:/another_map/zipfiletest/ and doesn't overwrite existing files. NOTE: It doesn't create a map with the zip-file-name!
unzip("C:/zipfiletest/", "C:/another_map/zipfiletest/", true, false);