If you can't see any output or error from system(), shell_exec() etc, you could try this:
function my_exec($cmd, $input='')
{$proc=proc_open($cmd, array(0=>array('pipe', 'r'), 1=>array('pipe', 'w'), 2=>array('pipe', 'w')), $pipes);
fwrite($pipes[0], $input);fclose($pipes[0]);
return array('stdout'=>$stdout,
var_export(my_exec('echo -e $(</dev/stdin) | wc -l', 'h\\nel\\nlo'));
For example, "echo shell_exec('ls');" will get nothing output,
"my_exec('ls');" will get "sh: ls: command not found",
"my_exec('/bin/ls');" will maybe get "sh: /bin/ls: Permission denied",
and the permission may be caused by selinux.