PHPerKaigi 2025


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

localtimeGet the local time


localtime(?int $timestamp = null, bool $associative = false): array

The localtime() function returns an array identical to that of the structure returned by the C function call.



Необов'язковий параметр timestamp — це позначка часу Unix типу int, яка стандартно дорівнює поточному місцевому часу, якщо timestamp не вказаний або null. Тобто є результатом функції time().


Determines whether the function should return a regular, numerically indexed array, or an associative one.

Значення, що повертаються

If associative is set to false or not supplied then the array is returned as a regular, numerically indexed array. If associative is set to true then localtime() returns an associative array containing the elements of the structure returned by the C function call to localtime. The keys of the associative array are as follows:

  • "tm_sec" - seconds, 0 to 59
  • "tm_min" - minutes, 0 to 59
  • "tm_hour" - hours, 0 to 23
  • "tm_mday" - day of the month, 1 to 31
  • "tm_mon" - month of the year, 0 (Jan) to 11 (Dec)
  • "tm_year" - years since 1900
  • "tm_wday" - day of the week, 0 (Sun) to 6 (Sat)
  • "tm_yday" - day of the year, 0 to 365
  • "tm_isdst" - is daylight savings time in effect? Positive if yes, 0 if not, negative if unknown.


Якщо часовий пояс хибний, то під час кожного виклику функції дати/часу виникатиме E_WARNING. Див. date_default_timezone_set().

Журнал змін

Версія Опис
8.0.0 timestamp is nullable now.


Приклад #1 localtime() example

= localtime();
$localtime_assoc = localtime(time(), true);

Поданий вище приклад виведе щось схоже на:

    [0] => 24
    [1] => 3
    [2] => 19
    [3] => 3
    [4] => 3
    [5] => 105
    [6] => 0
    [7] => 92
    [8] => 1

    [tm_sec] => 24
    [tm_min] => 3
    [tm_hour] => 19
    [tm_mday] => 3
    [tm_mon] => 3
    [tm_year] => 105
    [tm_wday] => 0
    [tm_yday] => 92
    [tm_isdst] => 1

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