Setting the interpolation does not carry through to any images created by imageaffine() or imagerotate(). It defaults to IMG_BILINEAR_FIXED and would need to be set on each generated image as required.
imagesetinterpolation( $image, IMG_NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR );
$rotated = imagerotate( $image, 45, $transparent );
$rotated_again = imagerotate( $rotated, 45, $transparent );
Setting the interpolation to IMG_NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR can help to preserve details and prevent sampling issues when rotating an image at 90 degree increments, including when rotating clockwise.
$rotated = imagerotate( $image, -360, $transparent );
imagesetinterpolation( $image, IMG_NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR );
$rotated = imagerotate( $image, -360, $transparent );