usage :
$nd = $newsApp2->dataSources();
//walkArray ($nd, 'walkArray_printKey', 'walkArray_printValue');
// prints the entire array
$x = chaseToPath ($nd, 'RSS_list/English News',false);
walkArray ($x, 'walkArray_printKey', 'walkArray_printValue');
// prints everything under $nd['RSS_list']['English News']
function &chaseToPath (&$wm, $path, $create=false) {
//var_dump ($create); die();
//echo '$wm=<pre>'; var_dump ($wm);echo '</pre>'; //die();
//$path = str_replace ('/', '/d/', $path);
//$path .= '/d';
$nodes = explode ('/', $path);
$chase = &chase ($wm, $nodes, $create);
//echo '$wm=<pre>'; var_dump ($wm);echo '</pre>'; die();
$dbg = array (
'$path' => $path,
'$nodes' => $nodes,
'$wm' => $wm,
'$chase' => $chase
echo '$dbg=<pre style="background:red;color:yellow;">'; var_dump ($dbg); echo '</pre>';
$false = false;
if (good($chase)) {
$arr = &result($chase);
return $arr;
} else return $false;
function &chase (&$arr, $indexes, $create=false) {
if (false) {
echo 'sitewide/functions.php --- $arr=<pre>'; var_dump ($arr); echo '</pre>';
echo 'sitewide/functions.php --- $indexes=<pre>'; var_dump ($indexes); echo '</pre>';
echo 'sitewide/functions.php --- $create=<pre>'; var_dump ($create); echo '</pre>';
$r = &$arr;
foreach ($indexes as $idx) {
//echo 'sitewide/functions.php --- $idx=<pre>'; var_dump ($idx); var_dump (array_key_exists($idx,$r)); var_dump ($r); echo '</pre>';
if (
&& (
|| array_key_exists($idx,$r)
) {
if ($create===true && !array_key_exists($idx,$r)) $r[$idx]=array();
//echo 'sitewide/functions.php --- $idx=<pre>'; var_dump ($idx); echo '</pre>';
$r = &$r[$idx];
} else {
$err = array(
'msg' => 'Could not walk the full tree',
'vars' => array(
badResult (E_USER_NOTICE, $err);
$ret = false; // BUG #2 squashed
return $ret;
//echo 'sitewide/functions.php --- $r=<pre>'; var_dump ($r); echo '</pre>';
return goodResult($r);