PHP Velho Oeste 2025


(No version information available, might only be in Git)

CollectionRemove::bindBind value to placeholder


public mysql_xdevapi\CollectionRemove::bind(array $placeholder_values): mysql_xdevapi\CollectionRemove

Bind a parameter to the placeholder in the search condition of the remove operation.

The placeholder has the form of :NAME where ':' is a common prefix that must always exists before any NAME where NAME is the name of the placeholder. The bind method accepts a list of placeholders if multiple entities have to be substituted in the search condition of the remove operation.


This function is currently not documented; only its argument list is available.



Placeholder values to substitute in the search condition. Multiple values are allowed and have to be passed as an array of mappings PLACEHOLDER_NAME->PLACEHOLDER_VALUE.

Return Values

A CollectionRemove object that can be used to execute the command, or to add additional operations.


Example #1 mysql_xdevapi\CollectionRemove::bind() example


= $coll->remove('age > :age_from and age < :age_to')->bind(['age_from' => 20, 'age_to' => 50])->limit(7)->execute();

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