PHP 8.2.28 Released!

Downloading PECL extensions

There are several options for downloading PECL extensions, such as:

  • The pecl install extname command downloads the extensions code automatically, so in this case, there is no need for a separate download.
  • » The PECL website contains information about the different extensions that are offered by the PHP Development Team. The information available here includes: changelog, release notes, requirements, and other similar details.
  • pecl download extname PECL extensions that have releases listed on the PECL website are available for download and installation using the » pecl command. Specific revisions may also be specified.
  • git Many PECL extensions reside on GitHub.
  • SVN Some PECL extensions also reside in SVN. A web-based view may be seen at » To download straight from SVN, the following sequence of commands may be used:
    $ svn checkout extname
  • Windows downloads The PHP project compiles and offers Windows DLLs for most PECL extensions on the package page.
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