Arrow Functions
Arrow functions were introduced in PHP 7.4 as a more concise syntax for
anonymous functions.
Both anonymous functions and arrow functions are implemented using the
Closure class.
Arrow functions have the basic form
fn (argument_list) => expr
Arrow functions support the same features as
anonymous functions,
except that using variables from the parent scope is always automatic.
When a variable used in the expression is defined in the parent scope
it will be implicitly captured by-value.
In the following example, the functions $fn1 and
$fn2 behave the same way.
Example #1 Arrow functions capture variables by value automatically
$y = 1;
$fn1 = fn($x) => $x + $y;
// equivalent to using $y by value:
$fn2 = function ($x) use ($y) {
return $x + $y;
The above example will output:
This also works if the arrow functions are nested:
Example #2 Arrow functions capture variables by value automatically, even when nested
$z = 1;
$fn = fn($x) => fn($y) => $x * $y + $z;
// Outputs 51
Similarly to anonymous functions,
the arrow function syntax allows arbitrary function signatures,
including parameter and return types, default values, variadics,
as well as by-reference passing and returning.
All of the following are valid examples of arrow functions:
Example #3 Examples of arrow functions
fn(array $x) => $x;
static fn($x): int => $x;
fn($x = 42) => $x;
fn(&$x) => $x;
fn&($x) => $x;
fn($x, ...$rest) => $rest;
Arrow functions use by-value variable binding.
This is roughly equivalent to performing a use($x)
for every
variable $x used inside the arrow function.
A by-value binding means that it is not possible to modify any values
from the outer scope.
Anonymous functions
can be used instead for by-ref bindings.
Example #4 Values from the outer scope cannot be modified by arrow functions
$x = 1;
$fn = fn() => $x++; // Has no effect
var_export($x); // Outputs 1