
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.3, PHP 5)

mysql_fetch_assocFetch a result row as an associative array


This extension was deprecated in PHP 5.5.0, and it was removed in PHP 7.0.0. Instead, the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extension should be used. See also MySQL: choosing an API guide. Alternatives to this function include:


mysql_fetch_assoc(resource $result): array

Returns an associative array that corresponds to the fetched row and moves the internal data pointer ahead. mysql_fetch_assoc() is equivalent to calling mysql_fetch_array() with MYSQL_ASSOC for the optional second parameter. It only returns an associative array.



The result resource that is being evaluated. This result comes from a call to mysql_query().

Return Values

Returns an associative array of strings that corresponds to the fetched row, or false if there are no more rows.

If two or more columns of the result have the same field names, the last column will take precedence. To access the other column(s) of the same name, you either need to access the result with numeric indices by using mysql_fetch_row() or add alias names. See the example at the mysql_fetch_array() description about aliases.


Example #1 An expanded mysql_fetch_assoc() example


= mysql_connect("localhost", "mysql_user", "mysql_password");

if (!
$conn) {
"Unable to connect to DB: " . mysql_error();

if (!
mysql_select_db("mydbname")) {
"Unable to select mydbname: " . mysql_error();

$sql = "SELECT id as userid, fullname, userstatus
FROM sometable
WHERE userstatus = 1"

$result = mysql_query($sql);

if (!
$result) {
"Could not successfully run query ($sql) from DB: " . mysql_error();

if (
mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
"No rows found, nothing to print so am exiting";

// While a row of data exists, put that row in $row as an associative array
// Note: If you're expecting just one row, no need to use a loop
// Note: If you put extract($row); inside the following loop, you'll
// then create $userid, $fullname, and $userstatus
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {




Note: Performance

An important thing to note is that using mysql_fetch_assoc() is not significantly slower than using mysql_fetch_row(), while it provides a significant added value.

Note: Field names returned by this function are case-sensitive.

Note: This function sets NULL fields to the PHP null value.

See Also

add a note

User Contributed Notes 6 notes

marREtijn dot posthMOuma at hoVEme dot nl
21 years ago
It appears that you can't have table.field names in the resulting array.
Just use an alias if your results come up empty and you are using multi-table query's:

$res=mysql_query("SELECT user.ID AS uID, order.ID AS oID FROM user, order WHERE ( order.userid=uID )";
while ($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
echo "<p>userid: $row['uID'], orderid: $row['oID']</p>";
joe at kybert dot com
20 years ago
Worth pointing out that the internal row pointer is incremented once the data is collected for the current row.

This means that multiple calls will iterate through the row data, so you DONT need to mysql_data_seek(..) between calls.

This is noted in the mysql_fetch_row() docs, but not here!?
Typer85 at gmail dot com
17 years ago
Please be advised that the resource result that you pass to this function can be thought of as being passed by reference because a resource is simply a pointer to a memory location.

Because of this, you can not loop through a resource result twice in the same script before resetting the pointer back to the start position.

For example:


// Assume We Already Queried Our Database.

// Loop Through Result Set.

while( $queryContent = mysql_fetch_row( $queryResult ) {

// Display.

echo $queryContent[ 0 ];

// We looped through the resource result already so the
// the pointer is no longer pointing at any rows.

// If we decide to loop through the same resource result
// again, the function will always return false because it
// will assume there are no more rows.

// So the following code, if executed after the previous code
// segment will not work.

while( $queryContent = mysql_fetch_row( $queryResult ) {

// Display.

echo $queryContent[ 0 ];

// Because $queryContent is now equal to FALSE, the loop
// will not be entered.


The only solution to this is to reset the pointer to make it point at the first row again before the second code segment, so now the complete code will look as follows:


// Assume We Already Queried Our Database.

// Loop Through Result Set.

while( $queryContent = mysql_fetch_row( $queryResult ) {

// Display.

echo $queryContent[ 0 ];

// Reset Our Pointer.

mysql_data_seek( $queryResult );

// Loop Again.

while( $queryContent = mysql_fetch_row( $queryResult ) {

// Display.

echo $queryContent[ 0 ];


Of course you would have to do extra checks to make sure that the number of rows in the result is not 0 or else mysql_data_seek itself will return false and an error will be raised.

Also please note that this applies to all functions that fetch result sets, including mysql_fetch_row, mysql_fetch_assos, and mysql_fetch_array.
george at georgefisher dot com
15 years ago
Thanks to to R. Bradley for the implode idea. The following fixes a few bugs and includes quote_smart functionality (and has been tested)

function mysql_insert_assoc ($my_table, $my_array) {

// Insert values into a MySQL database
// Includes quote_smart code to foil SQL Injection
// A call to this function of:
// $val1 = "foobar";
// $val2 = 495;
// mysql_insert_assoc("tablename", array(col1=>$val1, col2=>$val2, col3=>"val3", col4=>720, col5=>834.987));
// Sends the following query:
// INSERT INTO 'tablename' (col1, col2, col3, col4, col5) values ('foobar', 495, 'val3', 720, 834.987)

global $db_link;

// Find all the keys (column names) from the array $my_array
$columns = array_keys($my_array);

// Find all the values from the array $my_array
$values = array_values($my_array);

// quote_smart the values
$values_number = count($values);
for (
$i = 0; $i < $values_number; $i++)
$value = $values[$i];
if (
get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $value = stripslashes($value); }
if (!
is_numeric($value)) { $value = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($value, $db_link) . "'"; }
$values[$i] = $value;

// Compose the query
$sql = "INSERT INTO $my_table ";

// create comma-separated string of column names, enclosed in parentheses
$sql .= "(" . implode(", ", $columns) . ")";
$sql .= " values ";

// create comma-separated string of values, enclosed in parentheses
$sql .= "(" . implode(", ", $values) . ")";

$result = @mysql_query ($sql) OR die ("<br />\n<span style=\"color:red\">Query: $sql UNsuccessful :</span> " . mysql_error() . "\n<br />");

return (
$result) ? true : false;
R. Bradley
18 years ago
In response to Sergiu's function - implode() would make things a lot easier ... as below:

function mysql_insert_assoc ($my_table, $my_array) {

// Find all the keys (column names) from the array $my_array
$columns = array_keys($my_array);

// Find all the values from the array
$values = array_values($my_array);

// We compose the query
$sql = "insert into `$my_table` ";
// implode the column names, inserting "\", \"" between each (but not after the last one)
// we add the enclosing quotes at the same time
$sql .= "(\"" . implode("\", \"", $column_names) . "\")";
$sql .= " values ";
// Same with the values
$sql .= "(" . implode(", ", $values) . ")";

$result = mysql_query($sql);

if (
"The row was added sucessfully";
echo (
"The row was not added<br>The error was" . mysql_error());

Thus, a call to this function of:
mysql_insert_assoc("tablename", array("col1"=>"val1", "col2"=>"val2"));

Sends the following sql query to mysql:
INSERT INTO `tablename` ("col1", "col2") VALUES ("val1", "val2")
benlanc at ster dot me dot uk
19 years ago
It probably without saying, but using list() in conjunction with mysql_fetch_assoc() does not work - use mysql_fetch_row() instead.

= "SELECT `id`,`field`,`value` FROM `table`";
$result = mysql_query($sql);

// this results in empty values for rowID,fieldName,myValue
list($rowID,$fieldName,$myValue) = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

// this is what you want:
list($rowID,$fieldName,$myValue) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
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