Dutch PHP Conference 2025 - Call For Papers


(PECL expect >= 0.1.0)

expect_popenExecute command via Bourne shell, and open the PTY stream to the process


expect_popen(string $command): resource

Execute command via Bourne shell, and open the PTY stream to the process.



Command to execute.

Return Values

Returns an open PTY stream to the processes stdio, stdout, and stderr.

On failure this function returns false.


Example #1 expect_popen() example

// Login to the PHP.net CVS repository:
$stream = expect_popen ("cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.php.net:/repository login");
sleep (3);
fwrite ($stream, "phpfi\n");
fclose ($stream);

See Also

  • popen() - Opens process file pointer

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