
(PHP 5 < 5.3.0, dbase 5, dbase 7)

dbase_openOpens a database


dbase_open(string $path, int $mode): resource|false

dbase_open() opens a dBase database with the given access mode.


This function is affected by open_basedir.



The path of the database. It can be a relative or absolute path to the file where dBase will store your data.


An integer which correspond to those for the open() system call (Typically 0 means read-only, 1 means write-only, and 2 means read and write).


You can't open a dBase file in write-only mode as the function will fail to read the headers information and thus you can't use 1 as mode.

As of dbase 7.0.0 you can use DBASE_RDONLY and DBASE_RDWR, respectively, to specify the mode.

Return Values

Returns a database resource on success, or false on failure.


Version Description
PECL dbase 7.0.0 The return value is now a resource instead of an int.


Example #1 Opening a dBase database file


// open in read-only mode
$db = dbase_open('/tmp/test.dbf', 0);

if (
$db) {
// read some data ..



See Also

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User Contributed Notes 1 note

jmertic at ncscredit dot com
23 years ago
If you are wanting to open Foxpro tables using this, make sure they are in the 2.x format or php will not respond. In VFP use the following:

COPY TO tablename.dbf TYPE FOX2X

This is an easy way to bring database info to the web if you have a small foxpro setup.
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